Student Survey:  Are Student Right Protected in Local Schools?

North Middlesex Regional High School

1. Have your rights as a student ever been violated?
 Not really, I’ve never been searched or anything like that.  I have worked on the paper, and I quit because they would edit my papers so they were beyond P.C.
2. Have your rights as a citizen ever been violated in a school?  How?
 I guess they have, with the paper and all.  I didn’t like how they edited and stuff, so I stopped writing.  Doesn’t freedom of the press and free speech fall under that?
3. Which do you believe ‘outweigh’ the other rights?  The right to an equal education?  Or the Right to Free Speech?
 I don’t know, it’s too hard to tell.  One is your education and the other is the right to be yourself, you can’t choose between the two.
  Why do you believe this?
  Because it’s my rights, isn’t it?  You can’t choose between rights.  They’re yours.
4. Are you familiar with any court cases on the subject of students’ rights?
 No I’m not.
5. Do you feel like your school teaches you enough about your rights as a citizen enacted prior to your 18th birthday?
I don’t know, I know a little about all that stuff, but I’m not sure if I can even file for taxes or something like that.  I don’t know how to vote completely, I might be, I don’t know.

Ingrid Bradley: Sophomore